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To interest the largest number of potential consumers and win their loyalty.

The concept of

The presentation at the dealership was scheduled for the New Year holidays. When you want to spend more time with your family, arrange noisy feasts and, of course, go in for winter sports.

Therefore, at our Christmas party in honor of the release of the new BMW X6, the coziness and status of an Alpine ski chalet were combined with the comfortable luxury inherent in the BMW brand.

The guests came with the whole family, and everyone found entertainment to their liking. Participants of the event were waiting for: a master class on making Christmas tree decorations, a New Year's buffet, live music and prize draws.

Chips project


  • The image of the BMW brand was reflected with the help of branded merchandise and the unique atmosphere of a winter fairy tale, with a Swiss touch.
  • The event was for the whole family: while the parents were exploring the new car, the kids were painting Christmas decorations and riding small electric cars.
  • Spectacular appearance of a black BMW X6 car from under a white cloth, surrounded by clouds of smoke. Such a sight demanded an immediate selfie!


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